You are free to reprint it should you find it useful as long as the watermark is left unaltered. The contents of this reviewer should only be used for personal purposes. I would also appreciate link backs to my site. :)
- Angels
- The Fall of Adam and Eve and its Consequences
- Man's Response to God's Love
- Mary's Divine Motherhood
- Mary's Assumption
- The Son of God Became Man
- Talking to God Through Prayers
- Mission-Vision of Lourdes School of Mandaluyong
- The Lourdesian Creed
- The Lourdesian Seal
- LSM School Year Theme
Answer Key Available Here!
The worksheets I am posting were either used by my son or the students in my tutorial center. As such, the course guides that were used in making these reviewers were only the ones issued by their respective schools. For worksheet requests or for sharing your kid's course guide, send me as message through mail [at] the24hourmommy [dot] com. I will try to furnish one but that will still depend on my available time and references. :)

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