About Me

What I Do Full-time

Being a mom is a 24-hour-a-day, 7-day-a-week job. I learned this when I had my son. Parenting changed the course of my life. I set aside my career until he was four years old. I may make work on various jobs now and in the future, but all of them will have to be part-time. I am a proud full-time mommy after all.

What I Do Part-Time

I was born a Gemini so expect me to always have my hands full of everything and anything I can get my hands into. I am a wife, a daughter, and a friend. I am a Language and Reading teacher. I am also a blogger, a freelance web content writer, and Wiki-geek. I am a music lover, a photography fanatic, a travel bug, and a MacGyver wannabe.

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