Once the room became more spacious, we discovered one side of the room that was left blank and boring. The rooms walls were painted a cool shade of light blue and it became the perfect canvas for the stencil project my husband had in mind. You see, our son is so much into Taekwondo that we decided to adorn the wall with Taekwondo stenciled paintings.
Here's how we did it...
First we googled for some Taekwondo stencil images and printed the ones that we chose. We preferred the designs with stencil layouts that were not that complicated. We slid the pattern under a clear plastic folder and secured it with tape. My husband then carved the plastic folder using a cutter and the printed stencil layout underneath became the guide.
Once we had our template ready, we stuck it on the wall with tape and painted the available spaces.
We let the paint dry before removing the plastic folder templates. Here's the finished product! We intend to install hooks under each stencil painting to hold some of my son's Taekwondo accessories.
Doing the stencil project in my son's room was so enjoyable that we also did some stencil work in our room. But that will be for another post because we used a different material. Ready made stickers are available in the stores but we chose improvise. In doing so, we did not only save money but we also enjoyed each other's company.
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