Mc Donald's "Tween" TV Commercial

My boy is already a tween. And even though he tells us that he plans to be a priest and will NEVER date girls, I know that we will pass through this phase. I got teary-eyed watching this ad. I guess I'll never get over the fact that he's my baby and that I cared for him all his life.

Tweens are kids whose ages are between 8 and 12 years. They are in between the early childhood years and the teenage years and this is the reason why their stage is often overlooked by parents. The tween years is a period of extreme emotions, expectations, and responsibilities. Parents should be ready to address their needs, too.

So how should we, parents, deal with the tween years? Here are some of the points I gathered from various parenting resources.
The tween years may look as tumultuous as the teenage years. But it's an inevitable stage and we can only lovingly accept it.

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