My Ringless Ring Finger

My son was asked by a classmate during their son's "Family Day" in school a week ago. I overheard the conversation and, apparently, it was about me. The classmate asked him if I was really his mom or just an aunt. Of course, I was flattered at first thinking that the boy saw me as someone younger to be a mom until he said, "but she's not wearing a wedding ring!" Why is it the kids are smarter nowadays? LOL!

Actually, I lost my wedding ring. Oh, wait. Let me re-write that statement again. It should be: My husband lost my wedding ring years ago. We slept over in my parents' place during a party. I took a shower and I asked him to wear my ring for fear of leaving it someplace else. It must've slipped out of his pinkie finger. It wasn't found anywhere. Oh, well.

Do I feel bad about it up to now? Hmmm... not too much. I was promised that I will have an even more beautiful ring as a replacement. I haven't got one to date, hehe! Shhh... don't tell my husband that I'm ranting about it here. A pretty ring or a few loose diamonds can make me feel better, haha!..

But seriously, I have lived without a wedding ring for more than five years now and it's not really an issue. The ring is just a symbol, anyway. What matters most is the love that binds the marriage.

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