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Remember when I wrote about how my husband planned to buy Band Hero for Rap if he gets the gold medal this year? Well, Rap took home the silver medal this year plus two other medals for his extra curricular activities. We are still super happy of his achievements so my husband decided to get him a Guitar Hero instead! Right after the Recognition Day, we went straight to Toy Kingdom in SM Megamall and bought the Guitar Hero 5 bundle which cost Php 6, 699.75. Included in the bundle is the guitar controller and 1 original Guitar Hero 5 game disc. Alas, when we got home, our Wii unit did not recognize the disc. My husband had to return the whole package to the store the following day.
Much to our dismay, the people in Toy Kingdom SM Megamall advised my husband to bring the package to the other branch in Podium. They do not have Wii testing units in SM Megamall so we had to go to the other branch in Podium. The Toy Kingdom staff in Podium are totally more accommodating than the ones in SM Megamall. They assisted my husband and tried the GH 5 disc that came with the bundle. The disc worked in their Wii unit.
My husband then called me up to bring our Wii unit to the Podium branch to have the Toy Kingdom - Podium staff downgrade our system. Ours is a US modified unit and we bought it in the SM Megamall branch by the way. They did not inform us that it will not work on our unit and we were not able to test it in their branch as well.
We did not have our system downgraded since unofficial Guitar Hero discs that we bought from St. Francis Square worked on our unit perfectly. We were then advised to just return the package and buy a China-made Guitar Hero controller which was just Php 1,999.75. We spent the excess amount on additional wii accessories and were able to buy an extra remote control and nunchuk, a remote control charging dock, a Wii Fit battery charger, and a Wii gun control for our Resident Evil game.
I didn't even know that Toy Kingdom has this return/exchange policy if it were not for the sweet people of Toy Kingdom Podium. The people at the SM Megamall branch should have offered it when my husband was returning the package prior to us going to the Podium branch! Lesson learned: When it comes to buying gadgets, it will always be the Toy Kingdom Podium branch over the one at SM Megamall. Boo!
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