Here's how you can participate in this sweet and noble cause:
SEND A VIDEO: Record a short video telling the world how you plan to “Baby Your Mom” on Mother's Day while greeting and thanking her. Upload your video submissions through your YouTube account and share it with us at: Upload your video submissions through your YouTube account and share it with us at:
SEND A PHOTO: You can take a photo of yourself with your “Baby Your Mom” greeting. Your greeting can be in any form - e.g. a piece of paper, a magic board, a painting, etc. Post your photos on the wall of the Baby Your Mom Facebook page.
You can also email your videos and photos to All video and photo entries that will be collected within the deadline will then be strung together to create the longest Mother’s Day online greeting, which will be broadcast in the Baby Your Mom Facebook Fan Page and on the campaign’s YouTube channel on May 9, 2010. You may also find all of the submissions at Deadline for all submissions is on May 7, 2010, 11:59pm.
Together let’s give all of our Moms a special Mother’s Day greeting, help send a child to school, and make Mother’s Day online history.
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