From what I read, weight gain is a part of puberty. My son is 10 years old and he has just entered puberty. I also noticed the weight gain coming in this year. He also did not have a sports activity this summer and his only physical activity is playing with his Wii.
Kids don't need to diet - you know, as in diets like South Beach Diet, cabbage soup diet, no meals after six, and taking in appetite suppressants like adipex. Putting kids on a diet may even get them develop eating disorders. What overweight and obese kids need is a good mix of a well-balanced diet and physical activity. Remember our Go, Grow, and Glow foods? Just give your kids healthy portions of foods from each of these food groups and they'll be definitely on the safe side.
Since I am the one who's been trying to lose weight, I had little trouble adjusting my son's diet. He seldom eats junk food now. I only allow him to eat chips on weekends when we watch DVDs at home. Popcorn is now the new favorite. He's also avoided sweets ever since he started with his Center for Pop sessions. They are instructed not to eat or drink cold and sweet food and drinks 24 hours before or after a performance. I'm glad that he takes good care of his voice. Water has also been a regular drink of his because of his voice lessons. I know that water helps in losing unwanted pounds. I ask him to lessen his rice intake when we eat out but at home I just let him have as much as he wants because we cook brown rice. I still have to nudge him into eating more fruits and vegetables, though.
So there you have it, when it comes to kids, it has to be balanced diet vs. dieting.
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