Want to have the chance to travel and stay in Boracay for free? Then, it's time to tell a friend about the importance of financial preparedness. All you'll have to do is refer at least 5 email addresses of friends and family and post your pledge of personal financial commitment. Read the mechanics below:
Time to Tell a Friend Promo Mechanics
(This raffle is open to Philippine residents only.)
1. Register through the It’s Time! website: http://www.itstime.com.ph/tell/, by providing a valid email address and your full name (as appearing in your birth certificate).
2. Wait for the confirmation email in your inbox. As soon as your registration is complete, you may start referring the email addresses of your friends. At least five (5) valid email addresses must be referred to qualify for the promo.
Sun Life Financial agency force, members of the Marketing Team, and all SLFP employees with the position Department Head and up, and their relatives up to the second degree of consanguinity are disqualified from this promo. These persons and their email addresses are also considered as invalid referrals for purposes of this promo.
3. Aside from referring at least 5 email addresses of your friends, you must also post your story on the advocate page, http://www.itstime.com.ph/be-an-advocate/ to qualify for the promo. This means that you must post a pledge of personal financial commitment (e.g. It’s Time for me to start saving more of my salary).
4. One (1) grand prize winner will receive a travel certificate for 3 days and 2 nights accommodation at Boracay Regency Lagoon and round-trip airfare for two, including round-trip terminal fees, land and boat transfers from the hotel to the airport. This promo is valid from May 13, 2010 to June 20, 2010 only. Travel period is from May 2010 to October 15, 2010 only.
5. Only one (1) grand prize winner will be drawn via electronic raffle, with thirty- eight (38) minor winners of Sun Life items, (i.e., three (3) winners of Rudy Project analog watches, ten (10) winners of SLF Desktop Calendars, five (5) winners of SLF messenger bags and twenty (20) winners of SLF diaries). An entry can only win once in the promo. An entry who has already won is deemed ineligible to win other prizes thereafter. For example, if a previous winner's entry has been picked again, his/her entry will be deemed invalid and another winner will be drawn. Sun Life Financial has the exclusive right to determine the validity and eligibility of any entry. Taxes on the prizes, if any, shall be for the sole account of the winners.
6. Raffle draw will be on June 25, 2010 at 5/F, Tower 2, The Enterprise Center, 6766 Ayala Avenue, Makati City. The prizes are not convertible to cash.
7. Winners will be notified via a phone call and email coming from a representative of Sun Life Financial, with information on how to claim their prizes. Winners are required to present at least 2 valid photo-bearing IDs. Prizes must be claimed at 5/F, Tower 2, The Enterprise Center, 6766 Ayala Avenue, Makati City.
8. If a winner cannot claim his/her prize personally, his/her representative must bring his/her 2 valid photo-bearing IDs, notarized special power of attorney authorizing the representative to claim the prize, and the winner’s 2 valid photo-bearing IDs. Minors below 18 years must be accompanied by a parent or guardian who must likewise present at least 2 valid photo-bearing IDs. Prizes that remain unclaimed within thirty (30) days from raffle draw are deemed forfeited in favor of Sun Life Financial Philippines.
9. The winners must agree to authorize Sun Life Financial Philippines to use his/her name and image in any publicity release or advertising material that may be made in relation to this promo in any medium (TV, Radio, Print) without limit as to the time and number of exposures.
Nothing is as sweet as being free from financial woes. This is only possible with proper financial management. Sun Life Financial and the It's Time Advocates are ready to help you towards the road to financial literacy. Say goodbye to your financial worries (and wrinkle removers for sure) and look forward to being financially secure and happy.
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