Keeping a First Aid Kit at home

Year ago, when we were still living in Laguna, my husband and his officemates organized a carpool so that each one of them can save gas and money going to work in Cavite. My husband's former company was always concerned with its employees' safety that each seat in the shuttle bus service has a seat belt. The company probably felt the need to keep the employees driving their own cars to work safe that they implemented a policy wherein each car should have a first aid kit. That's how I got the habit of keeping our own first aid kit at home.

Here are some things I keep inside our First Aid Kit:

  • sterile gauze
  • elastic bandage
  • surgical gloves
  • adhesive tape
  • a box of gauze strips in various sizes (Band Aid or Mediplast)
  • cotton balls and cotton pads
  • ammonia
  • cold/hot pack
  • Isopropyl alcohol
  • small bottle of Betadine
  • antibacterial ointment
  • anti-itch lotion
  • thermometer
  • a few pieces each of ipuprofen, nasal decongestant tablets, paracetamol, cough medication
  • our medical insurance booklet
  • list of emergency medical assistance numbers
We have a small plastic toolbox that we converted into a First Aid Kit. It pays to be always ready for any medical emergencies. We'll never know when accidents will happen, right? How about you? Do you keep a First Aid kit at home?

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