Facial Care For Tweens

When I hit puberty at the age of 11, I didn't have oily skin and acne breakouts. My boy will soon be 11 years old in five months and I'm now seeing sebum forming in the pores of his nose. I think he'll be hitting puberty soon.

One of my pet peeves is seeing blackheads on noses. I don't want my boy to have these. So to help him with his budding facial problems, I am now starting to train him in caring for his skin. Here's what I am doing:

  • I remind him of the importance of good hygiene. Honestly, I had to monitor his bathing until he turned 10 this year. I wanted to make sure that he cleanses his body well and that he rinses all the soap off. Then this year, I taught him how to wash his face properly. My husband tells me that I'm raising a vain child but I think I'm not. Don't you agree?
  • I don't let him use bar soap on his face. He uses Lactacyd right now and it helped reduce the oily pores of his skin without drying it. I figured that the product is safe for baby's skin so it would work well on my tween's face.
  • I ask remind him to increase his water intake. This is one of my problems with my boy. He oftentimes forget to drink water even when I make him bring a water bottle to school. Water keeps the skin hydrated and fresh all day.
  • I give him vitamin supplements to keep his immune system up. When the immune system is strong, the body becomes successful in fighting out toxins and keeping them away.

Do you have other facial care tips to share? I'd love to read about it.

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