Join The Drypers Baby Club and Win Drypers Wee Wee Dry Diapers!

I was only 22 years old when my boy was born. Though, I have already experienced caring for a baby when I was younger (I took care of my baby brother when I was 11), it's a totally different ball game when you're caring for your own child.

Nothing could have prepared me for motherhood. There's just so many things to learn and consider! I had no one to count on but myself because we were already living on our own down South of Manila until my boy was six. Thankfully, I survived through occasional phone calls and visits to my parents, parenting books and magazines, and dial-up internet.

Moms of today are more fortunate because they have so many parenting resources in their hands and most of these are over the internet. It's easier to exchange parenting notes with friends over social networking sites. Moms can also learn easier because of how-to-videos in video sharing sites. There are also websites dedicated in sharing vital information and advice to moms and even moms-to-be. One of these sites is the Drypers Wee Wee Dry website.

The site is a gateway for the Drypers Baby Club where visitors can join. After signing up, you can personalize the content you receive based on the stage or timeline of your baby or toddler. It's the perfect venue for moms and expectant women to interact and exchange tips about parenting, pregnancy, and everything in between.

It's very easy to sign up. Personally, I would recommend choosing to connect your Facebook account to your Drypers Baby Club account. All you'll have to do is to click the LOGIN button at the right topmost corner of the homepage and choose LOGIN WITH FACEBOOK.

Next, you should ALLOW the App to access your Facebook account.

The next step would then be filling up your personal details before clicking the REGISTER button.

Now, here's a special treat for you! Thanks to Drypers Wee Wee Dry, I will be raffling off Drypers Wee Wee Dry Jumbo packs to five (5) lucky Drypers Baby Club members who will connect with me in the site!

To add me up, you will only have to access your Drypers Baby Club profile and click EDIT FRIENDS.

Next, you'll have to click PEOPLE SEARCH to be able to search for my profile.

Type in my username, the24hourmommy, in the search box,

and click ADD TO FRIENDS once you're already on my profile page. You should also sign in my GUEST BOOK so that I can verify your entry more easily.

After signing up and adding me, kindly leave a comment below answering the question I indicated in the Rafflecopter widget with your name and the email address you used in signing up for the Drypers Baby Club. The rest of the mechanics are in the Rafflecopter widget below.

Good luck, everyone! Hope to make chika with you at the Drypers Baby Club soon!

Did you like my post? CLICK THIS to have my posts delivered straight to your email inbox.


  1. hi,cant find you there.when i type the the24hourmommy it says i have to enter a name.

  2. found you at last!1st one to join here,i think....
    Well,im most excited about finding more friends and im excited to know different mommy stories!.....and share my own too..!

    Arra Morta(mommy arz)
    email: naked_cannibal (at)(yahoo).com
    Diaper size: medium(5-8kg.)

  3. What are you most excited about the new Drypers Baby Club website?- I am excited about the new products / promotions Drypers has to offer. I am also looking forward to exciting events Drypers will organize for Mommies & Babies who are members of their wonderful club! :)

  4. What are you most excited about the new Drypers Baby Club website?- I am excited about the new products / promotions Drypers has to offer. I am also looking forward to exciting events Drypers will organize for Mommies & Babies who are members of their wonderful club! :)
    drypers diaper size : MEDIUM

  5. Being a first time mum, I look forward to parenting tips that Drypers Baby Club has to offer. 

  6. Hi, Glaiza! I would need your Drypers Baby Club username, too. Kindly send me a friend request as instructed so I can verify your membership.

  7. What are you most excited about the new Drypers Baby Club website?  >>> I am most excited about what Drypers Baby Club and its Mommy members to share its members like stories and additional knowledge to help 1st time mommies like me.  Plus the fun-filled activities and prices that Drypers Baby Club has for their members. :)

  8. Hi, Edna. I would need the username and email address you used in joining Drypers Baby Club and also your baby's diaper size.

  9. What are you most excited about the new Drypers Baby Club website?  I'm excited about joining on the mommy's discussion board where many soon-to-be mom and a certified mom like me would interact  and discuss and share their ideas and thought's about a certain topic! Plus can't wait for the other promo's and freebies too, yey :)
    Analyn Alonsagay
    bhabylix@yahoo .com

    username : Analyn
    email :

  10. Glad to see you over at the Drypers Baby Club!

  11. I accepted your friend request already. :)

  12. What are you most excited about the new Drypers Baby Club website?I am really excited to be part of the Drypers Baby Club. I just can't wait for the different personal experiences that other mommies will share which will surely help and guide mommies like me in taking care and rearing our babies. I hope to learn more and share my stories in the discussion board. Name: April F. ManuelEmail: April_13Diaper Size: Large

  13. What are you most excited about the new Drypers Baby Club website? Getting a chance to interact with mommies like me and learn from them.  I am also looking forward to the different activities and promos.
    username: kimps08
    email:kimps08gmail .com
    Drypers Size (XL)

  14. I'm excited to learn more about raising children through the Drypers Baby Club website because it gives me a chance to interact with moms who are going through the same stage of child-rearing like me.

    drypers username:mt1681
    marianne_ph@yahoo .com
    drypers size XL

  15. Rachel Anne Del RosarioOctober 13, 2011 at 2:24 AM

    I can't search you po sa drypers club the search engine tell me always to please enter a name?

  16. i already added you as a friend in the drypers club and left a comment as well. my drypers club handle is kaydetbride :)

  17. What are you most excited about the new Drypers Baby Club website?- I am excited about the new innovations that Drypers has prepared for first time mommies like me.Drypers has been part of my baby's daily routine and new Drypers
    Baby Club website equates to new opportunities for my baby and I to engage
    with other mommy baby tandem and join new promos as well!OLIVIA E. FERNANDEZraven_zyle@yahoo.comdrypers diaper size : LARGERead more: Under Creative Commons License: Attribution

  18. Kristine BuenaventuraOctober 13, 2011 at 5:09 PM

    I'm excited to share experiences of being a mommy and just simply making new friends.
     username: IamRinoahart21
     size XL

  19.  If I have comments, ideas or suggestions, there are also parents esp. moms  like me who are in different stages of their kids who can share with me their experiences and from which I can also learn new things of being in the motherhood stage, even though I'm an OFW mommy :)

  20. Sharing my ideas about being a mom, learning to other mom about their experience of being a parent.


  21. I added you up as a friend and left a comment as well at the drypers club site. my handle is kaydetbride, the same handle I use in twitter.

  22. I am excited about meeting, connecting & sharing experiences about mommyhood, parenthood & everything in between as well as the freebies, promos & prizes up for grabs! ^_^

    Name: Elinor Semira
    Username: mhoie1325
    Email address: elinorsemira0124(at)gmail(dot)com
    Baby's diaper size: XXL

  23. being a mom is a full time duty, i love what im doing.. thanks to Drypers for being a part of our lives :)

    Josephine Gregorio

  24. Having the opportunity to interact and share ideas with other moms about our babies. So cool website.

    Name: Filomena Villanueva
    Username: fmfallar
    Size: XL

  25. I am excited about participating in discussions, writing articles, making comments in forum to learn more about being mom . As a first time mother I need more parenting tips to other mom who have more experiences of being a good one to their kid(s).

    Name: Filamay Asturias Beboso
    Username: fabeboso
    Email address: fabebosoyah
    Baby's diaper size: Large

  26.  Its so exciting that I can post my experiences about being mom and I can make a scrapbook on how my child grows. Its a great opportunity for me to interact wit other moms and from them I can learn some things  I didn't know. Interesting site for a mom like me.

    Mayla Bernardino
    danna_mikz14@yahoo .com
    Size: XL

  27. hi, sis. i wanted to add you as as a friend and join your contest but i cannot log in with my facebook account. can you help me?

  28. Joining.. :)

    Name: Sheryll Dane Zamora
    Username: zdane813
    E-mail address: rockstar1600@@yahoo .com

  29. Cheriel anna niñaTitcoOctober 14, 2011 at 3:46 PM


    name cheriel anna niña titco
    user name:labs16

  30. i'm so excited about communicating with other moms in the community to learn more about parenting and receiving freebies from Drypers.

  31. Being a working mom, i am so fortunate that this site has so many parenting tips, on how i will be able to be a better mom for my 3 kids..And it is also easier to have new friends, which are also moms like me.. thank you so much..

    Name: Mary  A. Reana
    Username: Maryjhan14
    Baby size: XL.tnx.

  32. christine b. batillerOctober 14, 2011 at 6:10 PM

    i'm excited about communicating with other moms in the community to learn more on parenting and it will be great to be updated on promos and freebies of Drypers.

    christine batiller
    olesilo@yahoo .com
    size: XL

  33. With this Drypers Baby clubs I will get the chance to know and interact with other mommies. Also I can share what I know all about baby stuff.

    corrine emata
    size: large

  34. With this Drypers Baby clubs I will be able to learn mommy stuff from other mommies. Besides, being a mother is always a learning process.olivia espiritu-fernandezraven_zyle@yahoo.comsize: largeRead more: Under Creative Commons License: Attribution

  35. With this Drypers Baby club I will get the chance to know other mommies and score a lot of free stuff from drypers :)

    marissa tupino
    ichie_83@yahoo .com
    size: large

  36. joining!

    Name: Crystal Lagman
    Username: Crystal Cruz
    Email address:
    Baby's diaper size: X-Large

  37. I am excited for the whole website itself, knowing that a lot of moms like me have so many topics to discuss, and very eager to listen to stories, experiences, suggestions to some problems and a lot more that will be a big help for a mom like me

  38. MAria Sheena Llorca AmolarOctober 15, 2011 at 4:08 PM

    With Drypers baby club mommy will get some technics from other mommies too... they will get a chance to have a free sample so they will know how drypers take care of our baby///

    Maria Sheena Amolar
    honeyble_26@yahoo .com
    Size: XL

  39. Im excited with the new  baby drypers club website  because a lot of lessons to learn about kids etc..
    Size:S-M-L I have 3 kids :) age 2-5-8 hihi

  40. I'm excited to meet other moms and exchange stories about motherhood with them. I'm also excited for more Drypers Wee Wee Dry giveaways! :)

    Name: Leslie Ann F. Tripoli
    Username: momniisha
    baby's diaper size: Large

  41. Hi, Christine! How about signing up using your email address? That's the other option aside from linking it to your Facebook account. :)

  42. Please try again, Rachel. I think it's a bug in the Drypers website. Sometimes, I can't even search my other account in the database. But on other days, I can.

  43. May I know your Drypers Baby Club username, please?

  44. May I know your baby's diaper size? :)

  45. Hi, Crystal! Please answer my question first before I can validate your entry. Thanks! :)

  46. May I know your username, email address that you used to register, and your baby's diaper size please?

  47. I need your baby's diaper size pala. :)

  48. Hi! May I know your Drypers Baby Club username so I can validate your entry?

  49. May I know your Drypers Baby Club username so I can validate your entry?

  50. May I know your Drypers Baby Club username?

  51. Kindly answer the question first before I can validate your entry. Thanks!

  52. Hi, Cheriel! Please answer the question first and also indicate the diaper size of your baby before I can validate your entry. Thanks!

  53. sharing stories and experiences with other mommies is what i'm looking forward to drypers baby club and lots of give aways :)

    Name: Leilani Ramos-Cruz
    twitterusername: xianlei28
    email:xianlei28gmail .com
    diaper size: medium

  54. I love joining all about mommy and baby pages and website because it teach and help me a lot! I can also share it with my friends, relatives and love ones!

  55. I am excited to read other stories from other mommies that will add up to my knowledge on how to raise my kid.

    Name: Rosette Jill Omana
    Username: Seth
    Email: vincseth02500(at)yahoo(dot)com
    Diaper Size: XL

  56. Its nice to have a Website that you could learn and nourish your knowledge in caring for your little one. a website that you can have friends and community that you can exchange story about motherhood. Its cool to have a baby club like Drypers Baby Club. Joining this club can get you some help in providing the right thing for your child also you can get free samples and be part of  some promos and raffle that you can win prizes and other perks. It can also connect you to all your friends to other site like facebook.

    Name: Amihan April V. Almarinez
    username: aprilsweet
    email: aprilvillanueva2003@yahoo.comdiaper size: medium

  57. Name: Donna Elaine Quiambao
    Email Address: dquiambao.byltaxgmail .com
    Username: dequiambao172310 / dequiambao
    Diaper Size: Large

    I join this site to share some thoughts about parenting, baby problems, and chat with mom's like me to share idea's about our babies.

  58. It's more than exciting to join in Drypers Baby Club website because it gives us infos about parenthood and motherhood. It gives us the opportunity to join in various discussions about any topics on how to raise our children fully well. Aside from that, we had the privilege to receive free samples of diapers and Gcs.

    Rhea Tavita-Chang
    username: mhartivina
    email ad: changrhea93(at)yahoo(dot)com
    diaper size: Large

  59. Hi, Lida! Please supply your Drypers Baby Club username so I can validate your entry. I would also need your baby's diaper size. Thanks!

  60. Thanks for putting up Drypers baby club website. It's nice to have a site where you can share stories and get useful information about parenthood and being a mother. :)

    Name: Lovely Joy Merced
    Username: Lovely Joy
    Email: Joyluck_614@yahoo Diaper size:

  61. NAme: Vangie M. Marcos
    Email Address:
    Username: vangie marcos
    Diaper Size: Large

    It is exciting that there is like Drypers Club Website wherein you can share your ideas and experiences with other moms about our growing child.In this regard, we will feel that we are not alone in dealing with some problems about their health and get some advice from them. I am also excited about the exclusive promos for the members.Proud Drypers User po kami ni baby Geio ko from birth until now that he is 14months rashes talaga:)thanks drypers

  62. Joining!
    I am glad about this newest mommy-baby website.  In here I would like to get acquainted with more moms like me wherein we can exchanges and share ideas all about with regards to parenting and raising our kid/s.  I am also excited with mommy events that might probably organized by Drypers Club.  Other than meeting other moms online, it is more than exciting meeting them personally, right?

  63. Valid entry! :) I think we met na at the Parentin.TV event, am I right?

  64. i love mommy websites.. i've joined the club.

  65. hi sis. my username is momychristine.thank you.

  66. My entry is not yet valid..had difficulties in opening my  profile at Drypers bb club..

  67. It's more than exciting to join in Drypers Baby Club website because it
    gives us infos about parenthood and motherhood. It gives us the
    opportunity to join in various discussions about any topics on how to
    raise our children fully well. Aside from that, we had the privilege to
    receive free samples of diapers and Gcs.

    Rhea Tavita-Chang
    username: vinamharti
    email ad: changrhea93(at)yahoo(dot)com
    diaper size: LargeRead more:
    Under Creative Commons License: Attribution

  68. It's more than exciting to join in Drypers Baby Club website because it
    gives us infos about parenthood and motherhood. It gives us the
    opportunity to join in various discussions about any topics on how to
    raise our children fully well. Aside from that, we had the privilege to
    receive free samples of diapers and Gcs.

    Rhea Tavita-Chang
    username: vinamharti
    email ad: changrhea93(at)yahoo(dot)com
    diaper size: LargeRead more:
    Under Creative Commons License: Attribution

  69. thank you ms. mauie and drypers club:)

  70. What are you most excited about the new Drypers Baby Club website?- I am excited about the new products / promotions Drypers has to offer. I am also looking forward to exciting events Drypers will organize for Mommies & Babies who are members of their wonderful club! :)GLAIZA G. TOMINIO
    drypers club handle : kaydetbrideglaizatominio@yahoo.comdrypers diaper size : MEDIUM

  71. Valid entry :) But please check your FB  share, there was no link to this blog post.

  72. I haven't seen your Drypers Baby Club profile yet but I'll try again.

  73. your past entries were already validated :)

  74. Found you at last so your entry's valid already, yay! :)

  75. What are you most excited about the new Drypers Baby Club website?
    I am excited about getting to meet other mommies and their kids, learning from their own experiences and sharing some of mine as well. 

    Name: Shirley Mae Tabora
    Username: shirleymae08
    Email: sm_yboa[at]yahoo[dot]com
    Diaper size: XL

  76. I am excited about the new products.

    Name:Perlita Fernandez

  77. MAria Sheena Llorca AmolarOctober 18, 2011 at 9:18 PM

    sheenfaye2 po

  78. Thanks Ms.Maureen, I thought my entry can't be validated..I always have a hard time in opening my profile at Drypers baby club..I don't know my problem might be the internet connection or signal..

  79. What are you most excited about the new Drypers Baby Club website?
    I's so proud and be a member of your Drypers Baby Club..Im more excited to share and learn more experience from Mommies and Kids.I'm Excited also for your upcoming Promos,Freebies,Prizes,Activities and Events.
    Thank you and More Power

    Name: Ma. Fillreza R. Revestir
    Username: Rheza
    Fb: Rheza  Reyes-Revestir-!/profile.php?id=1369863641
    Diaper size: XL

  80. Your entry is valid. Took note of the FB link, too. Good luck! :)

  81. Noted, but I haven't validated yet. I'll keep you updated.

  82. Your entry is valid. However, your tweets are protected and I can't verify your tweet.

  83. aww sis I can't add you, tried adding others and I can add them...there's an error every time I open your page... :(

  84. my Drypers Baby Club username is bodlg and my baby's diaper size is Large. Thank you! =)

  85. I'm excited about reading stories from other mommies and learning more about parenthood through the new Drypers baby club website and i'm also looking forward to all the promos and events you have in store :)

    Name: Lovely Joy Merced
    Username: Lovely Joy
    Email: Joyluck_614@yahoo
    Diaper size:

  86. Drypers Baby Club website is just a one-click away to know more things about being a well and responsible parent. I am a fan and excited to read stories and experiences of different moms on how they cope with their everyday challenges w/ their babies/children. In this site, you will meet new friends, share your experiences and especially you will know the do's and dont's of parenting. Also, what makes this site excited to everyone are their never ending promos and activities to all parents. And of course the products (diapers) are so good and "comfi" to all babies/children. This site is really great.

    Name: Breezenie Faith B. Vocal
    Username: bvocal
    Baby's Diaper Size: Medium

  87. was my entry valid ms. maui? Kindly advise. Thanks a lot.

  88. Rachel Anne Del RosarioOctober 23, 2011 at 12:36 AM

    I am excited because at last drypers has now a website which has a parenting forum that every mommies are welcome to join and discuss their parenting concerns.

    Name: Rachel Anne Del Rosario
    Username: mommy_leng
    Email add: rachelannedelrosario10(at)gmail(dot)com
    Baby's Diaper size: XL

  89. Rachel Anne Del RosarioOctober 23, 2011 at 12:46 AM

    Is my entry valid now Ms. Mauie? I already sent you a friend request please do accept and already signed in your guestbook. Please advise. Thanks!
    username: mommy_leng

  90. am excited about reading stories + tales of other moms about their kids, useful tips + hopefully forging new friendships

    name: Vix Parungao
    user id: jareds_mum
    email: vixenp33{at}gmail{dot}com
    diaper size: xxl

  91. Valid entry. Sorry if I haven't replied ASAP. Been busy lately, my boy has mumps.

  92. What are you most excited about the new Drypers Baby Club website?
    stories about mothering child. i don't have a baby yet but my my fave niece and my 2 nephews grew up with me cause their mothers are too busy. so i end up caring for them. at first, i feel like i'm stuck but i realized it was fun to be with kids... my new niece is size small.
    glaiza rica quero bonglay

  93. It's ok. Hope your boy is fine now.=)

  94. I'm so thankful because Drypers just opened a site with a forum where parents can share and discuss their insites on raising their kids. I find these forums very handy most especially for a first-time mom like me; I just browse the site to find answers to my questions with regards to raising my baby. Plus, I also get to form a special bond with the other monmies as well!

    Name: Luthnoreen Montilla
    user id: mandyislove
    personal email: luthnoreen(at)gmail(dot)com
    fb email: mandyislove24(at)gmail(dot)com
    diaper size: XXL

  95. i missed putting the url of my facebook post. can i put it here? would it be still be valid?

  96. I am excited bout  the new site because its very helpful for the new mom and moms to be by sharing and just reading the post that other members shared, it helps them along the way. For me just getting a new friends and sharing my experiences is the best part I like. The site also has a unique forum and the color and fun/nice to look at, very refreshing.

    Name: Ma. Cristina Oquiza
    userid: rileycaleb
    gmail diaper size: Small

  97. May I know your Drypers Baby Club username?

  98. I may already have a toddler but the site will still help me understand more about my new baby & his needs. The site is not only limited to babies but also it has topics about toddlers & mommies. Furthermore, I'll be able meet and make friends with other mommies who we can share our thoughts & stories with. :)

    name: Sherrybe Raymundo
    username: shemhiadom
    email address:
    baby's diaper size: XL


    april v. almarinez 
     April F.
     Arra Morta 
     Breezenie Faith B.Vocal 
     christine batiller 
     Corrine Emata 
     Crystal Lagman 
     Donna Elaine
     Edna Dela
    Asturias Beboso 
     gigi Celemin 
     Glaiza G.
    Josephine Gregorio 
     Leilani Ramos
     Leslie Ann
     Lida Gutierrez 
     Lovely Joy Merced
    Cristina Oquiza 
    Cristine G. Torres 
     mary reana 
     MYLENE M.
     Merry Jane
    Carbungco Ocol 
     Rachel Anne Del Rosario 
     rhea chang 
     Ruby Salazar
     Seth Omana 
     Sherrybe Raymundo 
     Shirley Mae Tabora 
     Vangie Mercado Marcos 
     Vix Parungao          

    They are those who have done the mandatory steps of JOINING and ADDING me as a friend at the Drypers Baby Club website and ANSWERED the question I posted here.Kindly reply to this post if your name is not here and you think you have done the required steps so I can recheck the list. Thanks!

  100. Hi sis! I have a valid entry, my entry is rights after mommy Vix Parungao's entry, but my name is not on the list...
    Thanks :))

  101. Ah, yeah. Sorry for that. Your name isn't on the Rafflecopter list, that's why. You might have failed to click the I'VE DONE THIS buttons.

  102. yipee......... I'm in! I got a valid entry.

  103. yah! met you there mommy mauie :) hope to see you again at the PMC event!


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